Why Do We Edge Feather?
Always wear your PPE!
Edge feathering is a term that gets floated around the industry on a regular basis. Other terms that I’ve heard being used to describe the same management technique are “softening the edge” and “cut-back borders.” All three of these terms are simply used to describe the intentional thinning of trees and shrubs along a field edge.
The general rule of thumb is to remove or lay over upwards of 50% of the woody vegetation growing within 10-15 yard of your field edge. This is a great opportunity to practice your plant identification, as you are able to select what species to cut, and what species to keep. It is important to keep in mind that while in most instances I encourage stump sprouts, for they are readily consumed by deer, I ALWAYS treat the stumps of non-native and invasive species with glyphosate in the warm months and triclopyr when freezing is a possibility. Why give these unwanted species a second chance?
Bush Honeysuckle treated with 30% Glyphosate solution.
In the Midwest, these field edges tend to consist heavily of sycamore, locust, poplar, walnut, maple, elder, and dogwood – species that are quick to establish after a disturbance, such as the clearing of a woodlot for agricultural use. If there are some good oaks hiding along the field edge, this is a good opportunity to “release” them from neighboring competition. Try to keep the mast bearing trees, and cut down or hinge-cut the less desirable species such as the maples and poplars.
Don’t be afraid to give your saw a good workout, as it is better to cut too many trees than not enough. It is important to keep in mind that we are encouraging sunlight to reach the forest floor. A common practice I like to recommend is felling some of the standing timber into the field itself. This will ensure you don’t get too eager on the tractor next spring and creates a nice buffer strip along with additional structure and escape cover protruding towards your food plots. These downed trees are also wonderful perches for songbirds to land and dispense various seed into your buffer strip through their droppings
“But, deer are an edge species!” Is a statement repeated ad infinitum in the whitetail community. Although this statement is widely believed to be true, lets dive into some of the reason’s deer are often observed milling around the edges of your fields.
For starters, let’s discuss the obvious; deer prefer the field edge because they are a prey species and enjoy ample security cover. If you were always being hunted and were to detect a threat, would you prefer to be standing out in the wide open, or somewhere with plenty of options to hide and make a quick retreat? With the exception of standing corn, grain sorghum, sunflowers, and few others, many of our food plots simply lack vegetation tall enough to hide a feeding deer. You could have the lushest clover plot this side of the Mississippi, but if the deer don’t feel secure while out feeding, they are either going to wait until the cover of darkness or simply avoid the plot altogether.
Jewelweed patch found 1 year post edge-feather.
Which brings us to my next point; deer gravitate to field edges not only because of the escape cover created by the unkempt vegetation, but also because the native vegetation growing on these thin sites are often times highly preferred deer forages! We are talking about jewelweed, ragweed, and pokeweed! All of these are wonderful deer forage and are “weeds” only by name. Blackberries, wild strawberries, and other brambles are sure to follow given enough time for these locations to establish. Why are these species growing there to begin with? All of the species listed previously are sun-loving pioneering species of plants. They have been seeds, hiding in your soil for years, awaiting the opportunity to finally receive direct sunlight. These are many of the same “weeds” on the receiving end of your glyphosate treatment each spring. We are simply giving them the opportunity and space to grow and provide the forage and cover they have evolved to do.
Don’t be afraid of the “sloppy mess” left after a successful edge feathering. I say successful, because this management technique is really difficult, if not impossible, to mess up. When you boil the practice down to simply allowing more sunlight to hit the ground, and creating a clear transition between woodlot and field, you can see why. The bare soil will quickly fill in with new vegetation for the wildlife to enjoy. A few parting words to take with you before hitting the field to start your next edge feathering project:
- Know what “it” is before you cut or treat with chemicals! For this reason, it may be better for some to do this work while foliage is still present.
- Follow up the next year to remove any invasive plants trying to establish.
- Always wear the proper PPE when operating a saw.
- Create travel routes and pinch points with the downed trees for better hunting success in the Fall.
- Have fun! This is a wonderfully productive activity to enjoy on a summer day with neighbors and friends.